
Is the scientific method applicable to philosophy/religion?

By Ezra Tashizin, M.S. in Philosophy

UCLA-Berkley, Jan. 5, //* *//

Philosophical viewpoint: When I started to write this paper, I was agnostic as in "I cannot know whether or who God is." However, the process of writing this paper provided damning evidence that this religion/philosophy was inconsistent with the available evidence [i.e., history of all known religions and philosophies up to Jan 4, //* *//].

My current viewpoint is agnostic as in "I do not know whether or who God is."


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Substantial and definitive evidence for the above has been collated, via the scientific method combined with statistical testing, on various sociological measures, explicitly designed to counter for the fact history is not designed for statistical testing. In the process, the applicability of the scientific method, and auxilliary statistics, is examined from most known viewpoints on phenomenology and epistemology, to establish under which combinations of viewpoints of phenomenology and epistemology the conclusions of this paper hold. Observe that since solipsism negates all further discussion, that solipsism is not considered in the above analysis.


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