Trigonometry: A Crash Review

(my science fantasy
Unfortunately, for much of this subject, there is no substitute for brute memorization. This course is often used as pre-calculus. "Algebra masters" will have a much smaller memorization load than other students. [I mean College Algebra, not the higher-math version.] Much of this subject is highly dependent on either calculators+ or tables [slide rules have been passé since the electronic calculator, but could be used.] Traditionally, this subject relies on some familiarity with "College Algebra", but not an intensive mastery.

Easily review trigonometry as you work at a computer!

Note: in many places, I will mention algebraic identities. For serious students who are either algebra-deficient or have to use the material under time pressure, I highly recommend working through "all of the plausible forms" and memorizing them. This usually means algebraic isolation of various variables in the equations, and figuring out how to use multiple equations in one problem. Currently, I am not providing the homework that is required to learn the material. I would like to partially remedy this deficiency. [No timetables!]

Note: There are several kludge notations lurking in this crash review:

I will remove instances of these kludge notations, without advance warning, when it is convenient in my schedule to do so.
Trigonometry Survival 101 -- basic material [not coordinate geometry]

What are these trigonometric [trig] functions, anyway?
What does a negative angle (measure) mean?
Why should I know the generic right triangle?
What are the reference triangles?
Why should I know the unit circle?
How does "wrapping the real number line" around the unit circle work?
What are the triangle area formulae?
What is the law of sines?
What is the law of cosines?
What are the angle sum, difference, and/or doubling formulae?
What are the angle halving formulae?
What are the trig(onometric) sum and difference formulae?
What are the trig(onometric) product formulae?
Trigonometry Survival 201 -- useful material, but not in your standard Trigonometry course
Reference values -- 15° and 75° i.e. π/12 and 5π/12 radians i.e. 100/6 and 500/6 gradients
Reference values -- 18°, 36°, 54°, and 72° i.e. π/10, π/5, 3π/10, and 2π/5 radians i.e. 20, 40, 60, and 80 gradients
Instant numerical trigonometric tables for sin, cos, and tan near 0
Formula Lists

Angle classifications
Angle relations
Arc length from central angle and radius
Cofunction relations
Supplementary angle relations
Algebraically even and odd trigonometric functions
Basic reference tables
Trigonometric function evaluation from sides of a right triangle
Trigonometric function signs from quadrants of the unit circle
Trigonometric functions that are multiplicative inverses of each other
Trigonometric functions in terms of sin(X) and cos(X)
Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Identities
All of these require JavaScript.
Reference values: sin, cos of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°
Reference values: sin, cos of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°
Reference values: sin, cos of 0°, 18°, 36°, 54°, 72°, 90°
A Vastly Incomplete Selection of Web Resources
Trig FAQ, J. David Eisenberg
Short Course in Trigonometry, David E. Joyce
Introduction to Trigonometry, Johan. Claeys [and a possible mirror]
Physics Dept., University of Guelph
Trigonometry Overview, Kenny Felder
Calculus 2000, Mr. Marco. Go to the bottom of the page, then start scrolling back upwards. There's trigonometry down there.
Basic Trigonometry, Purdue
Web Graphing Calculator
Web evaluator for sin, cos, tan, and arctan
Measures, Shape, and Space: Also has some links about coordinate systems and Euclidean geometry.
What are these trigonometric [trig] functions anyway?

Their names are:

These functions have a single argument, and take angles. By the heuristic of "wrapping the real number line around the unit circle," we can think of these functions as taking real numbers as arguments. Note that in "stratosphere" math, the above approach is very painful; other techniques are used to define these functions. These techniques are the ones which calculators are programmed with -- but they're not appropriate for this section.

Incidentally, there are three angle units listed on my HP-48SX: degrees, radians, and gradients. [Gradients are not commonly used in the U.S.A.] To rebuild the conversion formulae, remember:

1 circle = 360 degrees = 2π radians = 400 gradients.

A right angle is 1/4th of a circle; i.e. 90°, π/2 radians, or 100 gradients. I will use the common symbol for a right angle, in the rest of this crash review. An angle larger than 0, but smaller than a , is called an acute angle. An angle larger than a , but smaller than half a circle, is called an obtuse angle. is a standard symbol in the literature (although found more often in geometry texts than trigonometry texts). When it shows up in a diagram, it designates the labeled angle as a right angle.

For the record: Triangles are constructed by picking three points, then joining each pair by a straight line segment. We assume we can neglect curvature of the surface. That is, we assume the geometry is Euclidean. [You will not get the same kind of triangles on a sphere as on a flat desk or piece of paper. The sphere is visibly curved, the desk and the flat piece of paper are not supposed to be curved.] I will occasionally use the fact the geometry is Euclidean.

The sum of the three (interior) angles of a triangle is half a circle, i.e. 180° or π radians or 200 gradients. I will sometimes denote this by 2 in the rest of this crash review; this is not standard notation. An implicit exercise will be translating 2 to angular measure [degrees, radians, and/or gradients.].

If we pick a point on a straight line, the two parts of the straight line formed by taking out the point form an angle of half a circle, i.e. 180° i.e. π radians i.e. 200 gradients. In general, I will omit "interior" when talking about angles of a triangle.

We say a triangle, that contains a right angle, is a right triangle. If a triangle has two sides of equal length and one side of different length, we call it an isosceles triangle. If a triangle has three equal sides, we say it is an equilateral triangle.

The left triangle is an isosceles triangle, but not an equilateral triangle. The right triangle is an equilateral triangle. All equilateral triangles are also isosceles triangles. This is almost never worth mentioning in actual work.


The angle measure in radians is simply arc length on a circle of radius 1. In general, for a circle with radius R and an arc with central angle X in radians, There are two pictures to keep in mind here:

Generic right triangle. The viewpoint angle is the lower-left angle. If the viewpoint angle were the upper-right angle, we would relabel the original O as the new A, the original A as the new O, and leave H unchanged. the generic right triangle, and Unit circle. Going both clockwise(-) and counterclockwise(+) from the horizontal right-pointing ray, there are large hatch marks at ±45 degrees, and ±135 degrees. There are small hatch marks at ±30 degrees, ±60 degrees, ±120 degrees, and ±150 degrees. the unit circle.

Here, A, H, and O are acronyms for Adjacent [to angle], Hypotenuse, and Opposite [from angle], respectively.

What does a negative angle (measure) mean?

First of all, all physical angles have some size. We cannot visualize an angle with negative physical size. They do not exist in anything sufficiently similar to the physical space we live in.

However, (especially when dealing with the unit circle), it is often convenient to measure angles in a specific direction: counterclockwise. [I'm not going to digress into "stratosphere" math now, but that is dictating the convention here.]

Then, a negative sign means we are measuring the angle "unconventionally", i.e. clockwise.

This will simplify the use of some of the trigonometric identities we are going to look at.

Why should I know the generic right triangle?

(H)ypotenuse: side opposite the right angle. (A)djacent: the other side next to the viewpoint acute angle. (O)pposite: the side that does not touch the viewpoint acute angle. Given a right triangle, the trig function values for the two acute angles [angles smaller than a right angle] can be computed without knowing the angles. I prefer to remember the formulae this way [X is an angle]:

In all cases, division by zero should be interpreted as "undefined".

If H=1, then O and A are simply cos(X) and sin(X).

A mnemonic for the formulae for sin(X), cos(X), and tan(X) is the (fictitious) Indian Chief Soh-cah-toa, who had no problems with this part of trigonometry. [I got this from Mr. Coole, a long time ago -- I was in grade school then.]

The way I wrote the formulae, above, emphasizes the following identities:

These identities do work when both functions involved are defined for the angle X, regardless of size.

Another fact, of some use, is the Pythagorean theorem: H²=A²+O². If we relabel A as a, O as b, and H as c, we get the familiar form of the Pythagorean theorem: c²=a²+b². This only works for right triangles. The generalization of the Pythagorean theorem to non-right triangles is called the law of cosines.

A common strategy is to memorize how to compute tan(X), cot(X), sec(X), and csc(X) in terms of sin(X) and cos(X), and then reduce everything to this. This is not necessarily the least painful way to do a trig problem, but it is often more important to start the problem, than figure out how to do it elegantly. [EXERCISE: derive this from the A, H, O formulation for acute angles. The formulae work for arbitrary angles.]

The generic right triangle also motivates some terminology [which we inherited from twelfth century Arabian mathematics].

First of all, we say two angles are complementary if they add up to a right angle. That is, for an angle X, we say -X is complementary to X.

The complementary angle to the viewpoint angle is the angle which is opposite to side A, and also adjacent to side O. For instance, the angle in the upper right-hand corner is complementary to, i.e. the complement of, the marked angle in the lower left-hand corner.

A related piece of terminology is supplementary angles: two angles are said to be supplementary if they add up to half a circle, i.e. 180° i.e. π radians i.e. 200 gradients. That is, 2 - X is supplementary to the angle X. To get an intuition for this, draw a unit circle with the horizontal axis.. Draw an arbitrary radius from the center to somewhere on the unit circle. The two angles formed between the radius, and the horizontal axis, are supplementary.

Now, let's look at the trig function-computation rules again:

What happens if we swap A and O in these formulae? This is computing the trig function of the complement of X, i.e. -X. Go ahead, do it :) It's easy.

What you should get are the cofunction identities:

We say that sin and cos [sine and cosine], tan and cot [tangent and cotangent], and sec and csc [secant and cosecant] are cofunctions, and that the trig function of the complement of an angle X is equal to the trig cofunction of the angle. This is explicitly in the function names: cosine is the cofunction of sine, cotangent is the cofunction of tangent, and cosecant is the cofunction of secant.

These identities do work for arbitrary angles. If one side is undefined, both sides are undefined.

What are the reference triangles?

The reference triangles are right triangles that are "easy to construct". They provide easily-memorized values for the angles with measure 30°, 45°, and 60°, i.e. π/6, π/4, and π/3 radians, i.e. 100/3, 50, and 200/3 gradients.

There are two reference triangles. They [in the U.S.A.] are known by their degree names:

The 45-45-90 (degree) right triangle can be constructed from a square with sides of length one. The hypotenuse is the line connecting two opposite vertices of the square; it has length by the Pythagorean Theorem. [Exercise: compute this!] The legs of the triangle are sides of the square. Note: 45° is its own complementary angle.

45-45-90 triangle. Both the lower left and the upper right angle are 45 degrees. When we put A=1=O and H= into the generic right triangle, we get:

[Do it.]

The 30-60-90 triangle is constructed from an equilateral triangle with sides of length 2. We put one side on the horizontal axis, and bisect the angle opposite this side. [Note that an equilateral triangle has three vertex angles, all of which are 60°.]

30-60-90 triangle. The 60 degree angle is the lower-left angle; the 30-degree angle is the upper-right angle. We now have a hypotenuse of length 2, one leg of length 1 [from bisecting the horizontal side], and one side with length [from the bisecting line].

We get:

[Again, do it.]
Why should I know the unit circle?

The unit circle provides a picture on which to memorize reference values of the trig functions.

Unit circleThink of it as the set of possible endpoints for a length 1 hypotenuse H, with one endpoint of H fixed at the origin. We can construct generic right triangles with hypotenuse 1 in it. Pick a point on the circumference, draw a line segment from it to the origin, and then draw a perpendicular line segment down to the x-axis.

Unit circle with an inscribed right triangleNotice that the coordinates of the vertex, in Cartesian coordinates, is (cos(X), sin(X)), where X is the central angle. The horizontal side (on the x-axis) is A, and the vertical side (parallel to the y-axis) is O. The radius (length 1) is H. The slope of the hypotenuse H is tan(X).

However, observe the four quadrants. Our example triangle has its hypotenuse in the upper-right quadrant [both coordinates positive]. Horizontal and vertical hypotenuses create line segments rather than triangles. Also, at least one of the coordinates go negative in the other three quadrants [upper-left, lower-left, lower-right].

We proceed by assuming that the coordinates of the vertex, in Cartesian coordinates, is (cos(X), sin(X)), regardless of where the vertex is on the unit circle. This immediately leads us to the Pythagorean identities:

If we interpret undefined as equal to undefined, these identities hold for arbitrary angles.

Incidentally, the computation of the slope of the hypotenuse H via tan(X) also works for arbitrary angles. [Recall that an undefined slope corresponds to a vertical line].

The next point is that the signs of the various trigonometric functions are controlled by the quadrant the function is evaluated in. We number the quadrants I through IV [Roman numerals] counterclockwise, as follows:

Unit circle with labeled quadrantsNow, the trigonometric function signs are controlled by the quadrants as follows:

As should be clear, the boundaries between the quadrants do not behave this way. In fact, they are reference values for the trigonometric functions. [For ease of memorization, I will put all of the reference values for the first quadrant and its boundaries in one place, elsewhere in this document.] Now, let's look at another way to reconstruct the cofunction identities i.e. the identities relating complementary angles.

The line y=x is the diagonal line drawn through the unit circle What happens if we reflect the unit circle about the line y=x? We are swapping the x and y coordinates. That is, (letting X be the central angle), we are swapping sin(X) and cos(X). We are also physically reflecting the central angle X to the angle -X. So, we find that (here are the cofunction identities again):

It is no coincidence that the slope of the line y=x is 1. This gives a central angle between the line y=x, and the x-axis, of 45° i.e. π/4 i.e. 50 gradients [think of the 45-45-90 triangle]; note that this is exactly half of a right angle.

Now, let us consider reflecting the unit circle about the x-axis:

The x-axis is the horizontal line drawn through the unit circle Note that the x-coordinate [cos(X)] is unaffected, while the y-coordinate [sin(X)] is negated. The resulting point is the point we get from rotating through the angle -X from the angle 0. This gives the following formulae:

[EXERCISE: derive the last four [tan, cot, sec, and csc versions] from the first two [sin and cos versions.]

These formulae classify the trigonometric functions into even functions and odd functions. As you may recall from College Algebra, even functions are those functions whose value is unchanged by negating the argument, and odd functions are those functions whose value is negated by negating the argument.

It is no coincidence that the slope of the x-axis is 0. The central angle of the x-axis with the x-axis is clearly 0 [degrees, radians, gradients, it matters not which unit]. 0 is also exactly half of 0.

Now, let us consider reflecting the unit circle about the y-axis:

The y-axis is the vertical line drawn through the unit circle Note that the y-coordinate [sin(X)] is unaffected, while the x-coordinate [cos(X)] is negated. The resulting point is the point we get from rotating through the angle -X from the angle 0. This gives the following formulae:

[EXERCISE: derive the last four (tan, cot, sec, and csc versions) from the first two (sin and cos versions.)]

It is no coincidence that the slope of the y-axis is undefined. The central angle of the y-axis with the x-axis is clearly . This is also exactly half of 2 .

Now, we can directly compute the reference values of cos and sin for 45° i.e. π/4 radians i.e. 50 gradients, i.e. ½, without using the 45-45-90 reference triangle. 45° is the angle that is its own complementary angle. Thus,

Substitute the above into the Pythagorean identity to get i.e. [solve for cos(45°); we know we need the positive root because 45° is in the first quadrant, so I can omit ±] We can also directly compute the reference values of cos and sin for 60°, i.e. π/3 radians, i.e. 200/3 gradients, i.e. [2/3] . To do this, we first consider inscribing an equilateral hexagon in the unit circle:

Hexagon inscribed in unit circle[Just like an equilateral triangle, an equilateral hexagon has equal lengths for all of its sides. In general, an equilateral polygon (regardless of how many sides it has) has equal lengths for all of its sides.]

Note that the inscribed hexagon can be considered as the 'splicing together' of six equilateral triangles.

[If we draw the line segments from the vertices to the center of the inscribed hexagon, since the sides have the same length, the angles as viewed from the center will have the same size. 360/6° = 60°. (The prior two sentences use Euclidean geometry). We know that the triangle we just created is isosceles, (two of its sides are radii), so the two angles opposite the radii have the same size, and add up to 120°: they are both 60°. All three angles are equal. Thus all three sides of the triangle have equal length. (The very last sentence also uses Euclidean geometry)]

Hexagon inscribed in unit circle, with equilateral trangles from circle radii and hexagon sides Now, observe that the horizontal side "above the x-axis" is bisected by the y-axis. Thus, the length of this side in the first quadrant of the unit circle is ½ [the triangle is equilateral, so the side being bisected has the length of the radius, i.e. is length 1]. That is, cos(60°)=½.

[The y-axis has an angle of 90° i.e. π/2 radians i.e. 100 gradients. The angle created by drawing line segments from the vertices of this side, to the center, starts at 60° and ends at 120°. So, the y-axis is 90° - 60° = 30° into the above angle, which means the y-axis bisects this angle.]

From the Pythagorean identity, we find

i.e. [solve for sin(60°); we know we need the positive root because 60° is in the first quadrant, so I can omit ±] Since 30° is the complementary angle to 60°, we also have computed sin(30°) and cos(30°).
How does "wrapping the real number line around the unit circle" work?

The unit circle has a circumference of 2π. "Thus", all trig functions will have the same value when evaluated 2π radians apart. We say that all trig functions have a period. [In "stratosphere" math, this period is arrived at in a very different way.]

The trig function period identities are [X is an angle, n is a positive integer]:

These identities hold even in the undefined case [if one side is undefined, they both are.]

To formally demonstrate the n part, I would use natural induction, which should be buried somewhere in College Algebra. If you don't recall this term clearly, don't worry about it. However, I'm only going to explain it for n=1.

We read these from the unit circle immediately:

We use the rewrite of sec(X) and csc(X) in cos(X) and sin(X) to derive these: Now, to deal with tan(X) and cot(X), we have to be a little more clever. For tan(X), write: i.e. tan(X+[½][circle])=tan(X). The identity cot(X+[½][circle]) = cot(X) is similar, but works with the multiplicative reciprocals throughout.
What are the triangle area formulae?

There are two basic formulae, and one "impractical" one.

"½ base times height"

The base is the horizontal side of the triangle. The height is the length of the vertical line drawn from the vertex of the triangle not on the base, to the (extended) base. [For the obtuse triangle, the base has been extended in a darker gray.]

To use this formula, pick one side of the triangle as the "base". Note its length. Then, draw a perpendicular line segment from the vertex of the triangle not in the "base", to the "base", and note this line segment's length (this is the height). [This formula does work for obtuse triangles. Extend the base to where it would hit the perpendicular line.].

We constructed the right triangle, on the right, by 'chopping off' half of the rectangle. Thus, the area of the right triangle '[½](base)(height)' is one-half of the area of the rectangle '(base)(height)'.

This formula is easily visualized for a right triangle [a rectangle with a line segment between two opposite vertices gives two right triangles, both clearly with half the original area since they are congruent]. It behaves reasonably for line segments [it gives zero area, which is correct for a line segment; either base or height is zero for a line segment.]

EXERCISE: learn to use this formula by applying it to the reference triangles. The 45-45-90 triangle with hypotenuse should have area ½, and the 30-60-90 triangle with hypotenuse length 2 should have area /2.

This formula has useful analogies in higher dimensions. The volume of either a pyramid or a cone, for instance, is given by:

The "obvious generalization" for n-dimensional Euclidean space (n a positive integer) is and for 4-d Euclidean space, English permits a simplification: The n-dimensional formula is clearly dimensionally consistent: using a length unit, both sides have dimension (length)n. The n-dimensional formula can be directly computed if one is familiar with iterated integrals (say, from Calculus III or a decent physics course).

"½ of the product of the lengths of two sides, and the sine of the included angle"

We can see this, from the immediately prior formula, by taking side 1 to be the base, side 2 to be the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed between the [extended, if necessary] base and the height, and then solving for the height in terms of side 2 and the angle between sides 1 and 2 [an acute angle of the right triangle we just constructed].

We get:

For these triangles, the height is the vertical leg of a right triangle with two sides (partially) from the original triangle. This right triangle has the included angle opposite from the vertical side. For the obtuse triangle, use sin(X)=sin(180 degrees-X)

EXERCISE: Learn to use this formula by applying it to the reference triangles. [The correct areas are the same as before.]

EXERCISE: Now, learn to use this formula by applying it to the equilateral triangle with all sides length 2. This triangle is essentially two copies of the 30-60-90 triangle referred to earlier, so its area is twice as large — .

I do not know how to generalize the above formula to n-dimensional Euclidean geometry.

Heron's area formula for a triangle:

This formula gives zero when the length of one side is the same as the length of the other two sides, but will malfunction when one side has length zero. The Heron referred to here is a Greek mathematician (B.C.), so the formula can (or should be able to, at least) be derived in straight Euclidean geometry without coordinates. However, I have not read this, so I cannot explain it.

EXERCISE: Learn to use this formula by applying it to the reference triangles, and also to the equilateral triangle with all sides length 2.

The mathematician Cartan generalized this formula to n-dimensional Euclidean geometry, using matrix determinants [this is the determinant of a certain 3x3 matrix]. Cartan's generalization is definitely beyond the scope of this crash review.

What is the law of sines?

Note that the angles A, B, and C are strictly between 0 and 2 in angular measure. This means that solving for the sine of an angle by the law of sines does not strictly determine the angle, normally. [It does if the angle is a right angle; then sin(angle)=1].

If the solved-for sin(angle) is strictly between 0 and 1, then some work is required to determine the actual angles. The inverse sine function on a calculator, or spreadsheet, is programmed to give an acute angle [strictly between 0 and in angular measure]. However, since the sine of an angle X is equal to the sine of its supplementary angle 2-X [sin(X)=sin(2-X)], the supplementary angle is also a viable choice.

[EXERCISE: Learn to use the sine law by explicitly writing out the equalities for the 45-45-90 triangle with hypotenuse , the 30-60-90 triangle with hypotenuse 2, and the equilateral triangle with all sides length 2.]

What is the law of cosines?

This is the generalization of the Pythagorean theorem to non-right triangles. I'm going to present it "deus ex machina".

However, this formula does behave correctly in the extreme cases [worked for C, others are similar]: [EXERCISE: Learn to use the cosine law by explicitly writing out the equalities for the 45-45-90 triangle with hypotenuse , the 30-60-90 triangle with hypotenuse 2, and the equilateral triangle with all sides length 2.]

What are the angle sum, difference, and/or doubling formulae?

I'm going to present these "deus ex machina". [The least painful method, to me, is 2x2 matrices -- inappropriate here.]

The basic angle sum formulae are [A,B are arbitrary angles here]:

The other four trigonometric functions can be recovered from these two. Note: the tan(A+B) formula has a relatively clean version (assuming neither tan(A) nor tan(B) is undefined): That is, Now, using A-B = A+(-B), we can use the even-odd identities to easily derive the following: Also, by setting A=B, we get the following double-angle formulae: [EXERCISES: Learn to use these formulae with the reference values we already have: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°. Namely: try A=0° [should reduce to trigonometric function of B or -B, respectively] and B=0° [trigonometric function of A]. Also, try 2*0°=0°, 2*45°=90°, 2*30°=60°, and 30°+60° = 90°. Ranging into the second quadrant: try 90°+(another reference angle), 2*60° = 120°, and 2*90° = 180°. The tangent identities should not be usable when one of the angles is a right angle.]

Note: several entries in Trigonometry Survival 201 are/will be based on this.

What are the angle-halving formulae?

The angle-halving formulae are easily derived from the Pythagorean Identity and the formula for cos(2A). In general, we need to know which quadrant the angle A/2 is in to decide on the correct sign.


In both cases, we can isolate the trigonometric function on the RHS [right-hand side] by dividing by 2, then taking the square root. This yields: Rename A as A/2 to get: If we know which quadrant the angle A/2 is in, we can decide on the correct sign in the above formulae.

We also have [exercise: derive the following]:

The Pythagorean identity allows two easy rewrites of the above [observe that the ± negates the usefulness of | |, here]: [EXERCISES: Learn to use the above with reference values. Namely: 0° = [½]0°,

30° = [½]60°, 45° = [½]90°, 60° = [½]120°, and 90° = [½]180°. For the tangent identities, both sides should be undefined for the 90° case.]

What are the trig(onometric) sum and difference formulae?
What are the trig(onometric) product formulae?

These formulae may be derived from the angle sum and difference formulae. We have:

All are trig(onometric) sum or difference formulae. The first four are also product formulae.

EXERCISE: Derive these from the angle sum and difference formulae, as follows:

EXERCISE: Numerically use the sum and difference identities for X=A+B, Y=A-B where A, B are reference angles. The tangent ones will break down when 90° is A, B, X, or Y.

EXERCISE: Numerically use the product identities for A=(X+Y)/2, B=(X-Y)/2 where X, Y are reference angles.

Wait! I'm not completely sure how to solve for A and B in terms of X and Y!

Until I get a College Algebra page going, here's a quick summary on how to solve systems of linear equations. (This domain can use several.) [While not all systems of linear equations are solvable, the one we want to is solvable.]

Angle classifications

Angle relations

For angles X, Y:

Cofunction relations

For an angle X:

Supplementary angle relations

For an angle X:

Basic trigonometric reference tables
sin cos tan cot sec csc
0 1 0 undefined 1 undefined
30° ½ /2 /3 (2)/3 2
45° /2 /2 1 1
60° /2 ½ /3 2 (2)/3
90° 1 0 undefined 0 undefined 1

Exercise: convert the angles to radians. If you plan to use gradients, also convert the angles to gradients.

If you find the above table difficult to memorize for sin and cos, my ex-fianceé suggests this alternative table [it uses =1 and =2]:

30° 45° 60° 90°
sin 0/2 /2 /2 /2 /2
cos /2 /2 /2 /2 0/2

If you find this alternative table convenient, you may want to check that the entries that look different, do algebraically reduce to those in the first table.

Reference values -- 15° and 75° i.e. π/12 and 5π/12 radians i.e. 100/6 and 500/6 gradients

Exercise: verify that these tables are correct:

sin cos tan cot sec csc
15° [-]/4 [+]/4 2- 2+ - +
75° [+]/4 [-]/4 2+ 2- + -

Suggestions: Note that 15° is computable either with the half-angle or the difference-angle formula from the standard reference table. Use both of these methods. Also, 75° can be computed by the sum formula from the standard reference table; use this method. Once you are confident that these tables are correct, and if you want more practice with the angle sum, difference, halving, and doubling formulae, use these additional reference values in combination with the earlier ones [0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°, i.e. the standard table].

[Exercise: translate everything into radians. If you plan to use gradients, also translate everything into gradients.]

Reference values -- 18°, 36°, 54°, and 72° i.e. π/10, π/5, 3π/10, and 2π/5 radians i.e. 20, 40, 60, and 80 gradients

EXERCISE: Verify that these tables are correct:

sin cos tan cot
18° [-1]/4 /4 [5-]/20 [+1]/4
36° /4 [+1]/4 [-1]/4 [5+]/20
54° [+1]/4 /4 [5+]/20 [-1]/4
72° /4 [-1]/4 [+1]/4 [5-]/20
sec csc
18° /5 +1
36° -1 /5
54° /5 -1
72° +1 /5

Suggestions: First, let X be an angle such that 5X works out to be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 full circles.

[That is, we are directly interested in 72°, 144°, 216°, or 288°. I also included 0°, but that is a standard reference value. We will recover:

It may provide some intuition about the following equations to subtract 1 circle off 216° [-144°] and 288° [-72°].]

Next, use the angle addition formulae to rewrite in terms of sin(X) and cos(X)

Equilateral pentagon inscribed in unit circle. If a radius is drawn from any given vertex to the center of the circle, the angle formed by this radius and the horizontal ray pointing right, when multiplied by 5, will land on the horizontal ray pointing right

These are the equations that describe an inscribed equilateral pentagon. They are solvable using nothing more than the quadratic formula(!), and what we already are supposed to know.

This would occur to me from sin(X) being an (algebraically) odd function, combined with the angle comments above:

sin(0°)=0, so we can factor sin(X) out of our expanded version of sin(5X)=0. Then, use the Pythagorean identity to replace cos²(X) with 1-sin²(X). Expand the results. This should give a quartic in sin(X) [oops], which is also a quadratic in sin²(X) [great]. Use the quadratic formula to solve for sin²(X). Then take square roots on the solutions we get for sin²(X); we need both the positive and negative roots. One of these root sets is for 72° and -72°, and the other one is for 144° and -144°.

Equilateral pentagon inscribed in unit circle. The vertices at +-72 degrees are right of the y-axis, and the vertices corresponding to +-144 degrees are to the left of the y-axis.

Geometrically, the larger positive root goes with 72°, and the smaller positive root goes with 144°. Solve for cosine of 72° and 144° with the Pythagorean identity [be sure to use the quadrants to force the correct sign]. Then fill in the table as summarized initially.

Also: when completing the table, tan(18°) and tan(54°) [and their corresponding cofunction values, cot(72°) and cot(36°)] are technically difficult to algebraically compute directly from the sine and cosine values. [The denominator needs two stages to cancel out correctly.] I tried that three times in a row, and got three different answers, all of them wrong. The method I used for the table was to compute cot(18°) and cot(54°) respectively, and then take the multiplicative inverse algebraically to get tan(18°) and tan(54°).

Instant numerical trigonometric tables for sin, cos, and tan near 0

This isn't really "fair", since it relies on the "stratosphere" math approach. The first mention of the basis for this, traditionally, is in the middle of a Calculus series [business or conventional].

However, it is very practical. (Especially if you plan to use trigonometry in an engineering course.) I'm going to present how the result is arrived at in just enough detail, that those readers who actually know the relevant material will be able to see that I'm doing it right.

The key point is: for an angle X with radian measure 0<X<1, we have

[If you know what a power series is, and the alternating series test for convergence, you will immediately recognize what I'm doing. If not -- well, I said this wasn't "fair". Put these equations and inequalities into a spreadsheet to see why the above is plausible. If you don't have access to a spreadsheet, then use a calculator. If you don't have even that, at least do it for the numbers 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9.]

For three decimal place accuracy (the least we are interested in, for practical purposes), we need to control the error to less than 5*10-4 i.e. [½]10-3. This error term is:

Now, let's solve for X: That is, for X in radians: What if you want the "instant trig table" to more decimal places? Just work the above bound calculations with 5*10-(number of decimal places+1) instead of 5*10-4. Note that at the final stage, I took the decimal my TI-36SX Solar calculator gave out, and found the three-decimal place numbers that bracketed it. For a different number of decimal places, bracket the result with decimals to as many places as you need precision.

Computing tan(X) and sec(X) from the results of this "instant trig table" will give reasonably accurate numerical results. Computing cot(X) and csc(X) will not work reasonably "near 0"; in general, you cannot get more significant digits out than you put in, and sin(X) will lose significant digits as X ends up near 0. This means you are dividing a large number by a small, imprecise number, which will not give reasonable numerical results. [The zero decimal places between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit are "lost significant digits". For example, sin(0.021)=0.021 to three decimal places -- but there are only two significant digits.]

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