- 0000060: [Backend/Core] project_p : move blind messages to table (zaimoni) - assigned. - 0000071: [Backend/Core] debug option DEBUG_AUTOSAVE (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000054: [Backend/Core] Migrate stun, confusion, fear counters to agent_type (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000056: [Backend/Core] Relocate extract_energy reference array to a static member of agent_type from global (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000053: [Backend/Core] Complete imposing zaimoni::simple_lock on uses of character_icky (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000021: [Backend/Core] relocate player object awareness to player_type from object_kind (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000003: [Backend/Core] Force "know all monster information" option on? (zaimoni) - resolved. - 0000008: [Backend/Core] stabilize line of sight (zaimoni) - resolved.
7 of 8 issue(s) resolved. Progress (87%). Zaiband - Vaporware (Scheduled For Release 2030-12-31) [ View Issues ] ======================================================
- 0000007: [Backend/Core] Redo store interface to handle indefinite quantities - new. - 0000006: [Backend/Core] Do not send ineffective monsters where the player is - new. - 0000005: [Backend/Core] Informative telepathy - new. - 0000004: [Backend/Core] Reasonable tactical movement - new. - 0000002: [Backend/Core] Monsters should wake up sleeping monsters - new. - 0000001: [Backend/Core] Super ghosts (zaimoni) - assigned.